The Greek Myths Zine is a zine dedicated to the many Greek myths, categorised under the themes of Gods & Goddesses, Humanity and Monsters, featuring the works of 47 artists and 15 writers.
The list of our contributors can be found here.
All profits from pre-orders will be donated to the Human Rights Watch.
The zine will be printed in and shipped from Spain, handled by our shipping mod, Mod Aphrodite (Marta).
All items are pre-order items and will only be produced and shipped out when pre-orders end. Pre-order for physical items are closed and only digital versions of the zine and merch are available. PDF versions of the zine will only be sent out once the physical zine has been sent out.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the mods at our socials at the links below.
Twitter: @GreekMythosZine | Tumblr: @greekmythszine